Monday 15 September 2014

Research into the BBFC - Miss Miller

Who are the BBFC?

The british board of film classification are the ones that give age certificates to films, these age ratings are different depending on the films themes that are conveyed, for example, a film thats story is about a murderer and you see his rampages then the film would probably be an 18 as death is a heavy theme for this film, but if it is a film about a girl that collects flowers then it will probably be a U for the theme is not mature in any sense. They started in 1912 and are still around today assessing whether or not a film is appropriate of a certain aged audience.

What is a U?

"U" stands for universal, meaning that anyone aged 4 and over can watch the movie. Drugs cannot be a main theme throughout the movie and bad language is not spoken, except for the occasional "damn" but this would have to be with the context of the film. There maybe hugs and occasional kisses but not too much sexual references. Violence will be made funny, though it will not be gory, violent references will not be extreme at all, the way in which these films make violence funny is through the means of slapstick. An example of a U film is "monsters inc." and animated movie. The reason this film is a "U" is because it doesn't have any references of death throughout the film. Drugs are strictly strained away from, meaning there isn't a single reference to them. Most of the violence is slapstick apart from the end of the end of the film where Sully and Randall fight several times and Mr Waternoose at the end, but this all works within the context of the film and makes maturer audiences feel as if the film is realistic or slightly realistic on monsters inc.'s case.  
What is a PG?

"PG" stands for parental guidance, these films are okay for viewers aged 8 and over. This up to the parents decision whether or not to let their children watch the film, as they BBFC have given the information that this might be unsuitable. The themes step up a bit from the U rating as these films can explore tough ones that kids may suffer from like bullying. Sexual inneudos might be passed as long as the child doesn't know what it means, but again it will have to work within the context of the film. Drugs will not have a main focus but might be mentioned, again within the context of the film. Violence may be a bit stronger than a U and might have more of a focus but gore will not be seen, maybe a cut or a bruise but nothing too much. An example of a PG rated film is "UP" another pixar animated movie. The reason this one is different from monsters inc. is because it has much more maturer subject matters like parents getting divorced and death right the beginning of the film. There is a scene where russell is being targeted by dogs in a plane whilst having to hold on to a rope for his life, they are shooting tranquilisers at him but again not too much focus is on this. A mature theme they deal with right at the start where it seems everything goes well and then they are both hit with bad news is when she can't have babies, this is a reason why the film is a PG, this theme is very hard hitting and some parents may think that is too much for their children. However we don't see much of this happening it is only implied.
What is a 12 and 12a?
A 12a means any child under the age of 12 cannot see the movie unless accompanied by an adult, 12 is only for retailers, children under 12 cannot buy or rent the DVD. The tone of the film cannot be too dark or unsettling even if it is within the borderlines of a traditional 12 rating, as some kids may be in the cinema finding the film a bit unerving. some bad language is acceptable but it cannot be repeated and spouted at evry possible time, the BBFC will allow for f**k but only depending in the way in which it used, if it's used in a jokey way then it may be allowed and keep the film at a 12 rating. Some use discrimination may be allowed as long as the film isn't implying you should do this. Sex references can be a bit more adult themed but not too much, just little inuendos here and there but not too graphic, nudity may be seen but not for longh periods only just glipmses, so in summary not too much focus given to this aspect. Horror films can be permitted at this rating but threats will not be too graphic and the overall tone of the film cannot be too gritty as this would mean it becoming a 15 or 18 rated movie and not a 12a. Drugs can be referenced to, but can not be shown graphicly to a degree that children may copy. Violence and gore again is limted as this is meant for kids as well, but can sometimes seem mature. The example of a 12a/12 is "The dark knight". The reason this was that rating was becuase of the mature themes the film covered, an example of this was the character Harvey Dent becoming two face as one side of his face was burnt, we do see this burnt side but it is very graphic which means it appropraite for this rating as this would never be rated a U or PG. The joker has a very scary performance throughout the whole film and always threatens innocents of death yet the protagonist does manage to save the day most of the time, sometimes he doesn't and this is what deals with the subject of death whoch is why this seems mature themed. However there is absolutley no reference to sex and there is no nudity shown at all.
What is a 15?

A 15 film means anyone below the age of 15 cannot watch the film or buy the film with that same age rating. The film may have some graphic themes but if it is too graphic then it may go up to the 18 rating. bad language is allowed but it can't be used if it does get to a certain degree. Racism may be present but it will have to be a part of the narrative that the film is going for however, it is still at the stage where the film will not say you should be racist. There is more time allowed for nudity than a 12a rated movie, some sexual references may actually be shown on screen like a sex scene but it wouldn't show much. There can be strong violence in these films but there wouldn't be much focus on pain or torture too much. Horrors are allowed but if the theme of the killer is too dark and twisted it may be moved to an 18 rating. You may see drug taking in these films or movies but it wouldn't show you precise things like where to buy it from and most of the time the references may not be too strong. An example of this is "shutter island". The reason this film is a 15 is because in some of the films flashbacks, we are briefly reminded of the horrors of the holocaust and the film in general has a very dark tone, for example children being killed, though we don't see their deaths it is strongly referenced for the narrative of the film to seem darker. The reason it isn't an 18 is because swearing my be present but it is not displayed as often as an 18 rated movie and there isn't much nudity apart from you scene in a prison where you may just see a bit.

What is an 18?

No one under the age of 18 can watch an 18 rated movie at the cinema, purchase or rent one unless you're older than 18. Very strong language is used quite commonly throughout these films, also any particular word can be said. Very strong violence is allowed and even intense gore is allowed this can be anything from seeing someone explode or being shot in the head. Sex references are allowed to furthest of barriers though it cannot show the actors actually having sex, we may see sex scenes but nothing too detailed, though there may be rape shown it will only be allowed by paid actors who aren't actually doing it. Discrimination will be allowed and can even be said as a good thing, but this won't be random it will have to go along with the context of the film or movie, it can't just be said out the blue. Drugs will b shown and referenced, the film may even detail their affects they can show you how to make them but nothing too much, for example they will show you some ingredients to make some but it will not detail it too much. However somethings cannot be shown for any film, for example if crimes are actually taking place on screen then the film may be canceled. An example of an 18 rated movie is "Robocop" the reason why robocop was an 18 rated movie was because of its intense violence throughout the whole film. Drug taking is also present and the film has a whole sub-plot about who will own all of the drug ring. There is even a reference that some men are going to rape a woman but robocop, the protagonist saves the day, but it is referenced.


  1. You have provided a basic analysis of the BBFC and the various age certificates, mentioning what the outlines are for suitable content of each age certificate. You have given an example of each age certificate, but have not explained how or why it falls into that category. You MUST put into your OWN WORDS any information you take from various websites.

    You need to:
    1) Put into your own words who the BBFC are and what they do
    2) Put the information about content regarding each age certificate into you own words
    3) Explain how and why your examples for each age certificate fall into each category by using the synopsis of each (again, put into own words) of each and mentioning how the content is applicable to that particular age certificate.
    4) Include a conclusion, stating how this research has helped you understand the importance of age certificates, and explain how it has helped you decide what age certificate you will apply to your thriller sequence, and what you will be mindful to include/not include to stay in line with the various regulations

  2. You have provided a sound analysis of the BBFC and various age certificates, providing relevant examples and relating them back to the guidelines.

    1) Include a conclusion, stating how this research has helped you understand the importance of age certificates, and explain how it has helped you decide what age certificate you will apply to your thriller sequence, and what you will be mindful to include/not include to stay in line with the various regulations
