Tuesday 14 October 2014

Group narrative- Miss Georgiou

Group narrative
In my group is Jessica Day and Ryan Samuels.

Ryan Samuels-Boy and a girl are having a lunch picnic. Girl comments on how glad she is that the boy forgave her for the terrible thing she did. Boy looks away and we see that he looks menacing. Cut to flashback of the boy walking to the edge of the platform at a train station, about to jump but deciding not to at the last minute. Cut back to the present, the boy's girlfriend asks him to pass her the apple juice. Then we see the hamper and as the boy moves the apple juice we see a knife. Boy grabs it, screen fades to black, girl screams.

Advantages: It is easy to film and create. The audience understand the antagonists motives clearly.
Disadvantages: Doesn't show many conventions of a thriller.

Jessica Day-The opening sequence for this narrative would be of the friends walking through the forest, when their friend goes missing and getting the text from the antagonist, the focus would go back and forth from the characters and pictures of the chalk circles and weapons, that could possibly be used. The credits would be written in text font like the phone to show some of the narrative about the antagonist sending them messages. The rules could be being read out so that the audience are aware straight away that there is some sort of game involved.

Advantages: It builds up suspense which is a main convention of a thriller.
Disadvantages: It's brief, so it could be a bit more detailed.

Me-For my thriller film I am going to be base it around a wife who is in a room on her own. The audience see her facial expressions seem depressed at the beginning and she hears noises outside of the room that she is in. The woman opens the door to investigate the noise but doesn't see anything so as she sits back down she sees a silhouette of someone standing there. Then it cuts to black as he walks in the door, we hear struggling noises and then finally silence. Then we see a silhouette walk out then the camera pans to the woman's desk and we see blood all over it.

Advantages: Good narrative and good use of conventions within a thriller.
Disadvantages: It's hardest to make and it is not clearly detailed.

Group narrative: Based on Jessica's one but we will change it so that it is from the person who gets kidnapped instead as this was would increase the sympathy from the audience to the character being taken, we won't know much about the antagonists intentions, we will just see the friend being kidnapped. We will get rid of the game theme as this is quite cliched, and it would be too much to fit in the opening sequence. We may show a bit of the killer but not too much as we don't want to give it away as to who the killer is so early in the film. So it's about a group of girls who are on their way home until they come across a fork in the road and one of the girls must leave the others to get home. On her way home she sees a mysterious figure and tries walking the other way but upon turning around she realises the figure was dummy but the mysterious person is behind her. The girl blacks out and slowly regains consciousness soon afterwards as she is is getting dragged through the forest and then the sequence ends. We all agreed on this narrative as this wouldn't be too hard to make. It was Jessica's idea but we all discussed it and made small changes that we thought could have elevated the piece of work to a much higher standard.

Our group agreed that our story follows the theory of Todorov, this is when the story has an equilibrium to start with and during this there is disequilibrium to put the protagonist into action ande prove he is the hero, some films start with a disequilibrium and then they show the protagonist and shows his/her perspective as they try to save the day. Our film starts with a disequilibrium as the in the very beginning sequence we already see that there is a disruption in this world and someone needs to help.

Our group narrative is conventional to a thriller as it makes sure that the killer remains with a hidden identity which is a convention in all thrillers as they want the audience to pay attention to the character that is on screen as it could give little hints or pointers about their character. We also have the abondened forest which is conventional to the films setting as this always conveys a mood of isolation or that there is no help near or around. it appeals to our target audience because we based our film around the responses that we had got from the people of the public, we went with the ideas that got most of the positive responses, so we are reaching out towards our target audience.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some planning techniques. This is because you have not fully explored the advantages and disadvantages of each group member and therefore you need to elaborate on your points further.

    You have started to explain how your group narrative follows Todorov's theory, however you need to elaborate on the points that you have made, by referring back to your sequence further.
