Friday 10 October 2014

Inspirations- Miss Georgiou


Inspiration can come from many things, you need interest in something so that you can be inspired to create something. If you had given someone with no interest in films or filming and camera and said make a film, he wouldn't enjoy it nor would he even do it. Inspiration can come from a range of different things, most of time it comes from researching that specific field like thriller films for me. I had to keep analysing a range of different thriller sequences so I could get some inspiration for my own thriller film.

The first bit inspiration our group have taken is the opening credits scene in the film "se7en" as this scene is very creep, it creates an off putting atmosphere that isn't really seen much in other films. The reason I also found the credits creepy was because of the font the writing is in almost seems hand written badly by the antagonist himself which conveys that he is unstable and even unstable. The music is probably the most eerie I have ever heard and it conveys that suspenseful and creepy atmosphere tremendously, the whole of this opening sequence is just off putting and puts the audience in an unnerving state. The opening sequence does a fantastic job at creating enigma about this character as the audience have no idea who this is and this is how he is introduced into the film. The thing that stands out the most is the font it's in and the music in the background as both of these create such a creepy tone to the movie.

Another inspiration from the film se7en I wanted to use was the unidentified antagonist as throughout most of the film you don't even know what the killer looks like, you get very short sightings but you don't see his face until right the end of the film. For our sequence you will see our killer but you won't see the killer's face to let him remain a mystery for the audience throughout the whole sequence, this creates enigma which is a convention of the thriller genre as the audience are confused as to who this character is and why he has done it, but it keeps the audience concentrated.

My next huge inspiration when it came to making the scene and one I took much influence from was the here's johnny scene from Stanley Kubrick's the shining, for this scene i analysed the sound, the reason for this was because I always found the music in this film scary and this one scene highlighted that eeriness more than any other in the film. The music sounds all over the place, none of it is soothing or nice about it but that is the point it is supposed to be horrible, it puts the audience on edge and the whole scene illustrates just how mad Jack is in the film. That eerie music is not something I would want to replicate as it doesn't sound like it would fit in our film but it has given me the idea of using eerie music to make the audience feel on edge when they watch our scene.

Another big inspiration was the film directed by Martin Scorsese shutter island, the lighting was something I liked the most about this scene as throughout the whole thing it's low key or at least the majority of the scene that is. The reason that the lighting is conventional is because it leaves the audience wondering if there is something in the dark waiting to jump out at the protagonist or victim, it can even suggest how little hope there is for the character in the situation. This is something will we use in our sequence as low key lighting is conventional to a thriller.

My final inspiration that i would like to take into account is the beginning scene in the film Halloween. We only see a point of view perspective of the killer but it makes him that ever more mysterious as we see the actions he commits from his perspective almost as if the director wants us to understand his reasoning for these actions. However it also uses that element of an unseen killer as we don't see his face until the end of the scene where it turns out to just be a kid, which then creates engima as the audience want to focus on the narrative to why the little boy did this in the first place.

I think that noting down all my inspirations has been incredibly helpful, it has all been incredibly helpful when it came to getting ideas for a narrative, as then we could see what we would like to see in our film that has been in other films. I think the most noticeable inspiration that was used for ours was se7en as I had to say two inspirations that i thought were incredibly important to the sequence of ours, so if we hadn't had taken note of that film, then we may have missed out one of the most important conventions which is a unknown killer or antagonist.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why inspiration is essential to consider, before creating a product. You have made a start in considering the various micro elements that have inspired you.

    However, you need to more specific with the inspiration that you have gained, by fully exploring your sequence in more detail and by considering how your examples helped you into planning and storyboarding your sequence.
