Monday 13 October 2014

Individual narrative ideas- Miss Georgiou

 Narrative ideas

The narrative to any film is very important as this will let the audience know why stuff is happening on screen, the narrative is also the part of the film that keeps the audiences attention. For example if there was a horror about a killer and showed only his murders then the whole movie would have no rhyme or reason, the audience do not know why the person is doing this and if he is even a bad person as these people he/she kills could be bad, yes you could say that most horrors start off with no narrative, but this is only to get the audience excited and ready as they will explain the narrative later.

For my thriller film I am going to be base it around a wife who is in a room on her own. The audience see her facial expressions seem depressed at the beginning and she hears noises outside of the room that she is in. The woman opens the door to investigate the noise but doesn't see anything so as she goes back to her desk and sits back down she sees a silhouette of someone standing there. Then it cuts to black as he walks in the door, we hear struggling noises and then finally silence. Then we see a silhouette walk out then the camera pans to the woman's desk and we see blood all over it. Then it slowly fades to black.

I will briefly explain the narrative of the opening sequence and mention where we would film it. I will also get their opinions on the narrative idea of my own and see if they think it is conventional to the thriller genre or if it is too much of a horror, but I will answer questions that they have about the narrative and whether or not it makes sense.

1 comment:

  1. Your individual narrative idea demonstrates some imagination for an opening sequence. You have considered the codes and conventions of a thriller, but you need to ensure that you have related your points back to your mise-en-scene to ensure that you have considered your sequence in more detail.
