Monday 17 November 2014

Planning opening credits - Miss Georgiou

Opening credits are important to a film because it lets the audience know who was part of the films creation and to let the audience know that are watching that film. They are also used to show the importance of some people during the film's production. Before we were instructed with the task of making our own opening credits we had to watch an example of a thrillers opening credits sequence, the film we watched was called "se7en" and the opening credits connote much about the films antagonist with only the credits to do so.

The main colors seen throughout the introduction were dark dull colors that sometimes had flashes of bright colors as well, the reason for this is because it shows how dysfunctional the colours are, the flashes of white connect well with the characters hands you can see throughout the beginning part as he doesn't seem friendly, the dark colours connote that the themes behind the film will be dark and depressing, this is conventional to a thriller and we will try to implement this to our film. The font of the writing is almost as if it has been hand written or even scratched in which can connote the unbalanced nature of the film's antagonist. The whole opening credits sequence creates enigma as you don't clearly see what he is doing or if he is planning to do something but it creates suspense as the music is very eerie to the degree that the audience thinks something will happen in any second. the order of appearance in the film goes in this order: production company, who made the film, main actors, title of film, other actors, casters, who did the music, who did the costumes, producers, writers then directors.


This was my opening credits sequence. The font was basic as I couldn't find one that I liked very much, but this font was good as it stands out from the background as both colors contrast with each other on my one, I made sure that dark colors were more present in the frame than the light colors as this makes the whole credit sequence feel more dark which can be related to the plot of the thriller, making this kind of style of credit sequence conventional to a thriller. I have followed the right order of the appearance that opening credits normally have by starting with the production company then leading to the main actors and then the title.

This opening credits sequence was made by Jessica Day. Jessica has managed to capture the style of font that thrillers use for opening credits' sequences very well and does look as if it has been hand written poorly which really makes it look creepy which shows the antagonist is mentally unstable, this is conventional to the thriller genre. The majority of colors are dark which is conventional to a thriller as it suggests the dark nature of the film or the character himself. Jessica had manged to get the order right as well by starting with the company and then the title of the film, we haven't all agreed on main actors yet so there is still that to get to. There really isn't much to say about negative aspects of Jessica's opening credits.

This is Ryan Samuels' work for an opening credits sequence. Ryan has manged to include the main colors in opening sequences for thrillers which is black and white but as you can see mostly black is present which is conventional to the thriller genre. Though Ryan managed to get the films title in he got the order wrong by starting with it, as he should have started with the production company for our film. Ryan's style for the credits isn't perfect either, as the font looks quite basic. 

The style we are going to work on without a doubt is Jessica's as the font is conventional to the thriller genre, the colors she has used are also conventional and she had managed to get the order that opening sequences right as well. The credits I hope we make for our opening sequence are going in this following order, production company or CM studios presents, then it should have the main actors or actresses of the film so Molly van Winegaarden then Ryan Samuels but not the characters names, these should appear after the production company's credit then it will be the title of the film the pathway, this way it doesn't look like a trailer. Shortly after that credit the title of the film should appear and stay on screen for a while in our case it will be "the pathway". Then the directors Charlie Stewart, Ryan Samuels after that it will say who wrote the story which is Jessica day, afterwards it will mention the less central actors in the film then it should end with director of photography. I think this order is more conventional to a thriller and we are taking a lot of inspiration from se7en and the fact that a trailer ends with the title, we have tried to avoid that by planning to put it near the start of the credits.


  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of what the purpose of credits are and this is because you have not fully explored the examples of Se7en in enough detail. Therefore, you need to refer back to your notes and re analyse the sequence again.

    You have made a start in explaining your choices and decisions for your own design, but you need to ensure that you have related your points back to the codes and conventions of a thriller, to support the points that you have made.

    You also need to explain what the final style will be and also what the credits will say and where they will appear they will appear in your sequence.

  2. This post now demonstrates some understanding of why credits are essential to include. You have made a start on elaborating on your points, for the individual designs. However, you still need to elaborate on the points that you have included for the Se7en analysis.
