Tuesday 25 November 2014

Individual Storyboard - Miss Miller

Storyboards are very helpful when it comes to making a film as they give the creator or director a good idea of what they want to achieve when it comes to shooting their film. These should be made beforehand as these can be helpful later when it actually comes to making a shot as you can look back on these and quickly recreate the image that was in your mind prior to shooting.

We all, in our group of me, Ryan Samules and Jessica Day, had to go and make a storyboard individually. The reason we did this was because we needed to get our ideas down on paper as this would show how everyone is about the narrative of the film, because if someone didn't understand the narrative then they would be flustered when it came to the shooting of the film as they wouldn't understand what would be going on when we start filming.

For my storyboard I took inspiration from the film se7en as the films opening credits sequence was very dark and the writing that appears for the credits is also hand written or scratchy so that was something I took inspiration from when making my storyboard. For most of my shots I kept them all quite long as this creates the conventional theme of suspense that are appropriate for the thriller genre and also I like to take inspiration from Kubrick as well with his thriller/horror film the shining as most of the shots in that film last for quite a long time.

Another element I have seemed to grab hold of was to use quite little use of sound but most of the time it is diegetic sound of the forest. The reason I would like only this sound as it gives the audience the perception that not much is happening as it is just a normal sound in that environment, which can be related to the incident later, the fact that there isn't any help around shows that in this area attacking is common, just like the sound of the forest when you are in a forest. 

I think that my storyboard is good as I managed to capture a lot of the conventions that are typical in the thriller genre, I am pleased that I have managed to keep the pace slow and the first bit calm compared to the later scenes. I think my storyboard will be very helpful when it comes to our group creating the group storyboard, as the drawings were quite detailed of how it should be filmed later. If there were to be a change in my story board, it would have to be more frames as I felt a bit rushed at the end of the sequence trying to end it, so we will need quite a few more frames when it comes to the group storyboard.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your storyboard, explaining what your sequence will consist of and where you have taken some inspirations from.

    You need to:
    1) Pick three specific examples of micro-elements used in the sequence that you feel are the most significant - do a PEER analysis of these
    2) Elaborate on points made
