Monday 1 December 2014

Opening scene Narration - Miss Miller

The scene begins with an eerie piece of music that connects well with the hand written credits. The shot is completely dark and then the credits introduce the production company in charge of funding the film and we are then taken to show who stars in the film as the main actors and actresses, then the directors are given their credits and this is where the audience find out where the sequence will be taking place as the black background with the hand written font in front will fade into a forest and slowly starts to emerge in the shot and will be low-key lighting. Then it introduces the title of the film for the audience that is "The Pathway" followed by this is the writer of the narrative of the film.

After this establishing shot of the forest we are then taken to an extreme long shot view of the group of girls with phones and bags as the iconography, they will be wearing casual clothes but they're brightly coloured as well, the lighting is quite bright and this lighting effect will be continuous throughout the rest of the sequence. While they are walking in the forest with the conventional forest sounds in the back ground the eerie music will die down now until you cannot hear it anymore. The camera stays on the girls but it fades to another shot of them walking up the forest, until they are all the way at the top, the girls then say good bye to one of their friends who then walks the rest of her way on her own, still with their bags and phones as the iconography. The camera then changes after to a shot of her walking away from the camera and we can that she is all alone. We then see a close up of her phone as she is walking still, the eerie music plays over the sound in the shot but the lighting is low-key again. The camera changes to a mid shot of her walking past and something snaps, she turns to see it but can't so she continues to walk. The camera then takes us to an over the shoulder shot of the killer wearing darker clothes than Cathryn and the angle is canted, the antagonist is positioned higher than her.

The next shot returns to Cathryn, who is texting on her phone, then looks up in shock at something in front of her. The eerie music from before is still going and lighting is the same as it was in the previous shot. The camera changes to an over the shoulder shot where we can see Cathryn is looking at a mysterious killer at the top of a hill in the forest. The antagonist is again positioned higher than her. It then cuts to a low angle shot of the antagonist but we cannot see his face therefore he is still mysterious. The shot then changes into a low angle where we can see Cathryn opposite the antagonist and as the antagonist lowers his right hand we see a knife in his hand, Cathryn then drops her phone in shock, the music still playing and the lighting is still the same, throughout this small encounter the edits are all linking shots of each other and the camera doesn't break the 180 rule.

The shot changes as the camera follows Cathryn in a panning style movement as she runs away from the killer, lighting is till the same and the music is still the same. We then cut a POV shot of Cathryn running with the sound of heavy breathing, she runs for a while until she gets to a tree, she then hides behind this tree in hopes she has escaped but the camera cuts back to a bit of distance from her as she peaks behind the tree, we see the killers knife slowly lower in the frame, he then slowly walks over towards her and as he is just about to reach her, the camera fades to black and that is where the opening sequence ends, after this scene it then follows Cathryn's narrative of how she may get out of the trouble she finds herself in.


  1. You have provided a basic recount of your group's opening scene narration, explaining what happens at each stage to an extent.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you cover all micro-elements (only camera and sound seem to have really been covered) used at each stage
    2) Double check spelling and grammar
    3) Should be longer than this

  2. You have provided a sound recount of your opening scene, explaining what happens at each stage

    1) missing editing
