Thursday 11 December 2014

Production Roles - Miss Miller

When you start making a film certain things need to be allocated between several people, if you leave every job to one person then they will rush everything which will make the film look bad and lower its success however if you make it so that many people take on different tasks then all the work is distributed equally between the production roles. The main production roles that are necessary when it comes to making a film are:
  • producers - Jess, Ryan and Charlie
  • Directors - Charlie
  • Actors - Molly Van-Wijingaarden, Ryan Samuels, Morgan Boughey and Ella Sawtell
  • Directors of photography - Ryan and Charlie 
  • Music producers - Ryan
  • Screenplay writer - Jess
  • MES co-ordinator - Jess
  • Editors - Charlie and Jess 
We all discussed as a group at who would be better at doing what as we all had to do something that we had a previous interest for it to be good as if you chose someone to be screenplay writer when they wanted to do something else, it wouldn't be good enough. We distributed all the roles equally depending on what we all wanted to do.

I said to the group that I wanted to direct the film as the storyboard I had made seemed conventional enough to the other members of the group. I had a good understanding of all the shots that i thought were necessary for our film and I knew we could get them done easily and quickly as long as everyone co operated. I managed to get all the shots done to a suitable standard and the rest of the group were also happy with what I had done. The reason the group wanted to do this was because I had a better understanding of the shots that we wanted to achieve 

The actors for our group were very co operative but the level of acting could have been improved slightly. The one small problem we had was that some of the actors were not available for a lot so the first time we filmed we had to get their bits done first as that was a priority. Then one of our main actors couldn't do a lot of the filming as she couldn't for personal reasons so when we did have a chance to film we had to be quick because it got dark fast which made it hard for us to film. Having these people act was simple for us as everyone knew each other so it wasn't awkward for anyone at all.

Directors of photography was me and Ryan, Ryan wanted take charge for all the shots and i had just directed him on what to do. The reason we thought we should give it to Ryan was because he was enthusiastic about filming the sequence. Me and Ryan also work well together so he did a lot of what I asked him to do, he even came up with some suggestions for shots that could make it even more conventional to a thriller. The reason why we had two people work on this is because most of the time we need a second opinion on a shot so two people are adequate for this task. 

Music producers was an easy one to get past as Ryan was very enthusiastic on getting us all suitable music for our thriller piece, he knew the websites he would look at so that is why we gave him that task to complete. The reason why we gave this task to only one person is because it is a task better left to one, if we had a few more working on it then they might go away and get the same music which would just be a waste of time and efficiency.

We agreed that Jess should be the screenplay writer as she had come up with the narrative of our opening sequence in the first place. Jess also had some ideas to change her narrative as did we but she took most of the control in that aspect. We only kept it to one person because the narrative may get complicated if we got three people to write it and we are meant to keep the narrative simple as it is only a beginning to a thriller.

MES coordinator we gave to Jess as well because when it came to the storyboards she was the one who had included the most iconography and a good use of lighting, she even had the idea of the characters positioning and what the differences meant, so we gave that task to her. The reason why we only had one person do this was because she knew the cast better than me or Ryan so she could ask them to bring the iconography that she wanted them to have.

And finally me and Jess decided to do the editing while Ryan would find us music. We both take it in turns to do the editing, Jess does most of the fonts as that was the key thing that she created in our planning opening credits, and I merge a lot of the clips together and cut them if they are too long or if something just isn't needed. The reason why we used two people is so that we can get a second opinion on how it looks and Ryan sometimes offers his which is very helpful. This makes editing easier for both of us as we do different things that maybe one of us is better at doing than the other and can do it quickly.

I think that nearly all roles were done to a suitable standard the only thing i may suggest could have been better is the casts acting as sometimes it seems too over the top or they even seem like they just want to go home so that do it quickly. Other than that I think everything else went well as we did the editing and Ryan found the music quite quickly so getting to editing was easy for us.

1 comment:

  1. You have listed the different roles involved in production, and provided a basic analysis of each group member's contribution.

    You need to:
    1) Provide a description of what each role entails
    2) Write a paragraph for each person, analysing what they did well/could have done differently within their roles and how this enabled filming/editing
    3) Conclusion should give a general analysis of filming and whether things went well, and how you might have done things differently with hindsight - allocated roles to different people and why
