Tuesday 2 December 2014

Group Storyboard - Miss Miller

Our group had all made a storyboard but now we all had to come together and decide what would be in the group storyboard that we would make for the actual shooting of the film. Our group decided that my one was the most conventional to a thriller so we made the group storyboard about my work but we incorporated Jessica's work in there as well. Ryan felt as if his work was not up to standard and didn't want to use it but he mentioned lots about sound so we kept that the same.

For the shots, we used mine as they agreed that I had a good idea of what I wanted to achieve or accomplish by the end of the filming, another reason we chose mine for the cinematography was because i made sure that the positioning of the antagonist would always be higher than Cathryn's positioning and we also used mine as the shots before the antagonist hits the scene are slow but after he makes himself present to Cathryn the shots we planned to have would be very quick thus creating a sense of panic in the sequence that element of being rushed puts the audience on edge.

As for setting or location and narrative description we used Jessica's storyboard for that as she has come up with and written a narrative for this sequence, so Jessica would have the best understanding of what would be happening between each individual shot. Me and Ryan would write and draw as she wanted them to be as it was her original story that we had made more conventional to a thriller.

For the soundtrack we used Ryan's storyboard as he was very detailed and very clear in his own storyboard so that when it came to the group one he was also very clear and precise on what he wanted for the soundtrack. Ryan had also stated that he would like to look into finding some interesting scores that we could then incorporate into our scene, he had even started looking for some before we had begun editing so sticking with his sound ideas throughout our piece will be good for our groups piece of work.

When it came to editing that was pretty much all of us as all edits in each frame were quite similar so we decided to use the ones that were more eerie or creepy as this would build up suspense for the audience. Me and Jess have offered to do the editing and Ryan will help when he has found the music to add to our scene so then he will edit it in. We also found that we had used quite a wide variety of edits in our storyboards to make it more of a thriller sequence, i would say our main inspiration would have to be se7en's opening credits sequence as this has a wide variety of edits as well as ours.

Another important element we were also similar to was the lighting as most thrillers have a good use of low key lighting in most sequences, we are trying to also add this into our sequence but we have found that it gets too dark too quickly at the moment so meeting up early is essential to making the film. The cameras will just have to be good enough for us to film because if they aren't then it might too hard for them to capture any footage.

For iconography we used Jessica's as she had much more than the rest of our group for iconography but there was one bit that we all had and that was the most important part which was the murder weapon, the knife. However the other props were needed as they would show just how helpless our character Cathryn is as she cannot defend herself with anything, which would make the audience feel more sympathy towards her, the group liked this use of iconography so we have planned to use it in our piece.

I think that this storyboard gives our group a lot of idea of what to film and how to film it. I think that we have managed to incorporate the best ideas into our piece that came from our groups storyboards and I also think that it is now more conventional than any of our own ones. If i had to change something it would probably be some of the cinematography but the group did say that most of it was conventional to a thriller so we stuck with it.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your group’s storyboard, explaining what your sequence will consist of and why.

    You need to:
    1) Pick one specific example of micro-elements used from each group member’s individual storyboard in the sequence that you feel are the most significant - do a PEER analysis of these
    2) Say what thrillers you, as a group, have taken inspirations from and why - where is this evident in your storyboard?
