Friday 14 November 2014

Planning sound - Miss Miller

Sound is important in films because if we didn't have sound we wouldn't understand the narrative or why certain characters are doing specific things on screen. Planning the use of sound is very important because when you start filming and there is unwanted sound in the background then you have to have a plan before you start filming so you know not to do it until the unwanted sound is gone. It can also help push the narrative forward as said before but it can also be linked to the conventions that are typical to thrillers for example eerie music in the background is conventional to the thriller genre.


This will be used when the victim or Cathryn is walking home and as she leaves her friends to go home down a different path to them. There will be backgrounds sounds of the forest but there won't be any talking or any music talking over the shot. This technique builds up suspense for the audience which is conventional to the thriller genre, the silence connotes that Cathryn is completely isolated and alone which means there is no help nearby therefore the audience feel understanding towards her character as they can visualize being in this situation themselves.

Off screen

This will be implemented after the silence shot, so afterwards it will cut to her walking through the forest and there will be rustling in the bushes or leaves crunching but as we don't see it it is off screen sound. As said before it will be crunching of leaves in a footstep pattern so one after the other. A relationship is established between the character Cathryn and the audience as both do not see the sound so it is as if the audience are in the situation with her walking through the forest which builds up a relationship between the character and the audience.


This means that the sound will go well with the images on screen, this will happen after Cathryn has seen the antagonist and her breathing will become heavy and scared. This will show the threat that the antagonist holds and that the audience should be scared for her, which is conventional to the thriller genre as the audience further build up a relationship with Cathryn as they see the predicament she is in.

Non - diegetic

This is when the sound in a film or movie that isn't in world that the film is set but the audience can hear, so background music or narration playing, this will be when all the girls are walking home it will be quite eerie music. This connotes that something bad will happen soon, or that someone is watching them, but most importantly it creates a divide with the audience and the characters almost as if the sound is suggesting that the audience know the characters are helpless and the audience have to watch it and not do anything. This creates and establishes a relationship between the audience and characters as the audience feel empathy towards them.

With the use of sound in our opening sequence, I think that the suspense it creates will be intensified, the scene will be better as the music will create that tense atmosphere that the other elements would not be able to portray. The sound should be good as we have planned to use it in a way that is conventional to a thriller. I feel as if the planning of the sound is incredibly useful because when it comes to editing this we will be able to find the music easily and edit it in to the sequence quickly as well.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic analysis of the techniques you intend to use within your sequence, briefly mentioning when they will use and what you hope it will create.

    You need to:
    1) Explain exactly what these techniques will create for the audience and why/how
    2) Explain how they are conventional to the genre
    3) Explain how and why the audience are able to build a relationship with characters as a result
    4) Include a picture of your groups A3 sheet
    6) Read through and check spelling and clarity of work
    7) Elaborate on points made
