The generic conventions for a thriller mean what you normally see in most thrillers, they don't necessarily have to be in all thrillers but are quite frequent and regular occurrences in the genre. A prime example can be the antagonists identity remains hidden throughout the film, this can be seen in most thrillers for example 'se7en' uses this convention throughout the film until the antagonist is finally revealed very suddenly. Another example of a convention is the other character that is just as important as the antagonist is the victim, most of time they are female victims that we see in peril, this can be seen in one of the inspirations for the thriller which was "Halloween" in which we see a woman stabbed to death by a mysterious killer in the opening sequence while the camera goes through the house in a POV shot.

Both of these conventions were used in my film's opening sequence, we use the generic convention of the mysterious antagonist in our film, as throughout the opening sequence you don't see the antagonist clearly and is portrayed to be bigger than the victim, the audience first see him watching him from the bushes somewhere in the forest and then see him standing opposite her further along the pathway, this also builds up enigma around the character for the audience as they want to know who it is, which is conventional to the thriller genre.

I even managed to include the victim convention which is that a female character should be in some sort of danger, the character I am referring to in the opening sequence is Cathryn, this is also seen in the inspiration I had for my film which was Halloween. The first person killed in Halloween is the girl inside of the house, in our film though we only see the antagonist approach the victim, this leaves the audience guessing what could've happened to her and like in Halloween, the girl is the first victim, and the antagonists intentions or motives remain a mystery in both my production as well as the Halloween opening sequence.
I incorporated the iconography of the knife, this can be seen in the film 'psycho' which is another inspiration I took from, as the murder weapon, I included it into my opening sequence as the murder weapon for the antagonist, he is seen holding it many times when he is in the frame, this can show he has violent intent for Cathryn throughout the opening sequence and this is seen right at the end when he approaches from behind her with a knife while she is hiding behind a tree in the forest, this creates suspense for the audience as they have no idea what has happened to Cathryn but they are also shocked at the fact that she may have been killed or captured, this builds a relationship between the character and the audience as they feel for her and are worried what could happen to her.
I managed to include the convention of a POV shot into the opening sequence, this was taken into effect as I needed a shot that would display the intensity of the scene, it makes the audience feel as if they're there, this further builds up a relationship between Cathryn and the audience as they really feel as if they're seeing things from her perspective, it puts the audience in the footsteps of Cathryn and this enables the audience to feel additional sympathy and allows the audience to keep building up a relationship with the audience. I took this inspiration from Halloween's opening sequence where most of the whole opening is done through a POV, however, in Halloween it's used to build up Enigma on who the audience are seeing the perspective of, much more differently than how we've done ours.
I included another convention in our opening sequence which was the colour and lighting being very dark throughout the majority of the opening sequence, this was mainly due to the fact that Halloween took place at night when there isn't many people around to help the victim, this was the same for our opening sequence as well because it's quite dark throughout the majority of our opening sequence and the colours are all dark and murky. The audience relate the lighting and colours to the films narrative and the dark themes that are embedded in to the film, this is conventional to the thriller genre and I took this inspiration from Halloween as said before.

One more convention I would like to refer to that I managed to implement was the style of the opening credits, for this I took inspiration from the film 'se7en' which featured the same kind of style, the se7en opening credits featured hand written text for the credits, my credits were near enough similar although ours seemed different as ours was a stencil like font so it seems more organised than the writing for 'se7en'. This is conventional as it can convey the mood and overall tone of the film or the film's antagonist as it may suggest the overall psyche of the antagonist.
I would say that my film defines the thriller genre successfully as I have managed to include many of the key conventions of a thriller. My film manages to build up the main convention of suspense, the main micro element that accomplished this was the soundtrack it was continuous throughout the opening sequence which built up suspense, but then the music would stop and the audience hear a different and louder noise which grabs the audiences attention therefore creating surprise for the audience. Another element that we used that defined the thriller genre was the cinematography when Cathryn sees the antagonist, a series of low angle shots are used, this makes him/her seem superior compared to Cathryn, therefore the audience build up a relationship for Cathryn as they feel empathy towards her. My film has incorporated many conventions that are found in different films in the thriller genre that were successful, the main inspiration for my opening sequence was 'se7en' as the credits itself are similar that they both look handwritten, this is conventional as the credits do not look normal, they are written roughly and the credits convey the twistedness of the character or the antagonist, both my film and 'se7en' use this convention. As said previously, my film has the convention of the antagonist possessing a hidden identity, this is also implemented in the film 'se7en' as you don't actually clearly see the antagonist until 3/4 into the film, this creates enigma for the audience which is conventional to the thriller genre.
Your analysis of question 1, demonstrates a basic understanding of how your opening sequence follows the codes and conventions of a thriller film. You have made a start in considering some of the conventions of a thriller and how it is evident within your own product. But you need to ensure that you have elaborated on your points further, to demonstrate further knowledge and understanding of this question.
ReplyDeleteFinally aim to include still images from your production, to support the points that you have made.
Your analysis of question 1, now demonstrates some proficient understanding of how your media product follows the codes and conventions of a thriller. This is because you have explored the conventions in further detail and have related your points back to your product, to demonstrate further understanding of the choices and decisions that you made.