Sunday 22 February 2015

Question 7

I had to take on the task of creating a short scene in which me and my group including Jessica Day and Ryan Samuels were tasked with filming a short conversation, we had to perform several different camera techniques, this included one long shot, one close up, one panning shot and 2 editing techniques as well, this was the 180 rule and a shot reverse shot, we had to show someone entering and then exiting as soon as the conversation is over. 

The purpose of the task was make myself familiar with the equipment I used as well as starting to get experienced with the editing software I had to use later which was 'Final cut pro x', it also gave me a first hand experience at making a short scene with as much creativity as we were allowed. What I learnt from this task is that when you are rushed or have not taken the time to plan it before you start to film, it may not turn out be way you wanted it to look.

I learnt a lot about the equipment I would be using later as well as the editing software's capabilities when it came to putting all the clips together. I would have to say that I learnt a lot of the cameras and tripods capabilities as well as the different functions they both have, I learnt that I was quite good at editing the clips together, this can clearly be seen when me and Ryan are talking to each other and the camera keeps going back and forth and I was also quite good at making certain clips shorter that the editing software allowed me to do, an example of this in the preliminary task was when I first step out to get and sit with Ryan, these skills that I learnt in the preliminary task helped me a lot when it came to filming the thriller films opening sequence.

All of what i'd learnt helped me when it came to the main task which was planning the thriller production, the reason for this is because we were using the same equipment so we would be ready the next time round when it came to filming the thriller. When planning, I was able visualize not just the shot but the way in which I could be able to try and emulate the shot when it came into practice. The preliminary task enabled me to understand the people i'd be working with later and how they will deal with the stress of having to film a scene very close to the end of the production. As said before, the preliminary task was able to help me create some ideas of particular shots but it also helped me face the reality that I won't be able to capture a lot of shots as they may not be possible whatsoever. I learnt all about the equipment I would be using later when creating the thriller film so this would be quite reassuring as I could work out what all the equipment does when filming, this included the camera and its settings and the tripod we were also given to keep the camera steady while recording. Comparing the preliminary task to the main project, I changed a lot of things, firstly I made storyboards that would help me film as this would give me an idea of what to film and I could keep referring to the storyboard, I used different shots to convey different meanings, like the low angle shot of the antagonist conveys that he is bigger and stronger than the other character which is Cathryn, so the massive difference was the detail of planning that we did, after the preliminary task, the planning became much more definite in the sense that myself and my other two partners knew what we wanted in the film and I made my opinions known to the group as did they.


  1. Your analysis of question 7, demonstrates minimal understanding of how the preliminary task assisted you with carrying out the main task. You have made some points on what the preliminary task was and what you learnt to do. However, you have not fully explored the main task and how the preliminary task helped you to carry it out.

  2. Your analysis of question 7, now demonstrates a basic understanding of what the preliminary task was and how it helped you with creating the main task. This is because you have started to explore the reasons and purpose of carrying out the preliminary task, before creating the thriller. However, some of your points need to be explored and discussed further.
